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Photo: Mikal Schlosser
04 JAN

Major theme: A step towards a fossil fuel-free society

Charging time, range and taxes. There are plenty of challenges facing electric vehicles. Nevertheless, the electric car is the only long-term solution if the transport...

Electrotechnology Transportation Energy technology
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
04 JAN

The car will be more than just a means of transport

The Japanese automotive giant Nissan and a team of researchers from DTU Electrical Engineering have become the first in the world to make a mass-produced electric vehicle...

Transport economy Innovation and product development Climate adaptation Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy storage Electronics
04 JAN

Electric vehicle of the future

How will electric vehicles develop? Associate Professor Esben Larsen from DTU Electrical Engineering shares his thoughts on the subject.

Electronics Energy efficiency Energy storage Electricity supply Transport economy Transport models Transport behaviour Innovation and product development Climate adaptation
Foto: Rufus Blas
03 MAR

Når traktorer er førerløse

Nu er det ikke længere nødvendigt at have mennesker bag rattet, når traktoren skal køre halmen i hus. Landbrugsmaskiner kan nemlig køre uden fører og tilmed med stor nøjagtighed...

Food production Robot technology and automation Electronics Transport models
06 FEB

Iværksætterhåb: Fremtidens biler kører på brændselsceller

DTU-studerende Kristian Lindberg-Poulsen har netop fundet førstepremieren i den landsdækkende iværksætterkonkurrence Venture Cup i kategorien ’Cleantech & Environment...

CO2 separation and CO2 storage Combustion engines Transport models

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